Book Chapters
‡ Corresponding author.
I have illustrated my research results and conclusions in 2 book chapters.
[2] Monica B. Emelko ‡, Alex T. Chow, Fariba Amiri, Huan Chen, Micheal Stone (2024), “Chapter 14. Climate change implications for DBP occurrence in municipal drinking water”. In: Chao Chen, Susan Andrews, Yue-Feng Xie (Editors), Disinfection By-Products in Water. Springer.
[1] Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2024), “Chapter 4. Prescribed fire as an effective fuel reduction technique with minimal impact on dissolved organic matter quantity and optical properties”. In Mark A. Benvenuto, Lawrence Kolopajlo (Editors), Green Chemical Processes: Developments in Science, Math, Engineering and Technology. De Gruyter.
Peer-reviewed journal publications
‡ Corresponding author; 1 Equal contribution.
Google Citations: 1701; h-index: 26; i10-index: 45; Total 66 publications.
I have presented my research results and conclusions in 66 peer-reviewed papers (including 8 papers published in Water Research, 7 papers published in ES&T, 2 papers selected as journal cover pages, and 1 paper highlighted by Nature Reviews Earth & Environment). I serve as a first or corresponding author on 36 out of these 66 papers.
Manuscripts under review/in revision
Huan Chen ‡, Yu-Hua Zheng, A comprehensive review on the sources, environmental behavior, and degradation of alkylphenol ethoxylates and their metabolites in surface water and soils. Journal of Environmental Quality (under review)
Huan Chen ‡, Alex T. Chow, Clinton F. Williams, Jun-Jian Wang, Wei-Ling Sun, Emerging contaminants in agroecosystems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (under review)
Hui Zhang, Xin-Yue Wang, Yu-Hua Zheng, Jing-Run Hu, Xiao-Lin Li, Hong-Ling Yin, Rui Xiao, Xiao-Lan Zhu, Ting Chen, Huan Chen ‡, Targeted analysis of 74 PFASs using 25 authentic standards for PFAS prioritization in surface water. Journal of Hazardous Materials (under review)
Yi-Tao Lyu, Xin-Zong Xiao, Jing-Run Hu, Yang Wu, Huan Chen, Yi Jiang, Fang Guo, Xin-Yong Liu, Wei-Ling Sun ‡, Quantitative source apportionment using fast expectation-maximization algorithm based on nontarget high-resolution mass spectrometry fingerprints: Method validation and case study. Water Research (under review)
Hai-Jun Wang, Qiao Zhang, Xiao-Lin Li, Huan Chen, Xia-Lan Zhu, Li-Ming Yang, Hong-Ling Yin, Jing Sun, Shu-Hong Fang, Hui Zhang ‡, Simultaneous analysis of multi-class antibiotics in bottled water using large-volume direct-injection LC-MS/MS. Talanta (under review)
[66/36] Rui Xiao, Erika Carter, Austin Allen, Pei-Lin Tan, Yu-Hua Zheng, Qian Chen, Shun-Ni Zhu, Sudeep C. Popat, Allan Knopf, Clinton F. Williams, Howard H. Chou, Huan Chen ‡, Nutrient recovery from high-salinity dairy wastewater through the cultivation of acclimatized microalgae. Journal of Water Process Engineering (in press)
[65] Rui Xiao, Chang Tian, Hai-Jun Wang, Hui Zhang, Huan Chen, Howard H. Chou ‡ (2025), Two-stage continuous cultivation of microalgae overexpressing cytochrome P450 improves nitrogen and antibiotics removal from livestock and poultry wastewater. Bioresource Technology 418: 131994
[64/35] Huan Chen 1, Taesung Shin 1, Bosoon Park ‡, Kyoung Ro, Changyoon Jeong, Hwang-Ju Jeon, Pei-Lin Tan (2024), Coupling hyperspectral imaging with machine learning algorithms for detecting polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA) in soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 471: 134346
[63/34] Xu-Ming Xu 1, Huan Chen 1, Lei Du, Chun-Fang Deng, Rou-Qi Ma, Bin Li, Jia-Rui Li, Shu-Feng Liu, Raghupathy Karthikeyan, Qian Chen ‡, Wei-Ling Sun (2024), Distribution and drivers of co-hosts of antibiotic and metal(loid) resistance genes in the fresh-brackish-saline groundwater. Chemosphere 365: 143332
[62/33] Yu-Hua Zheng, Erika D. Carter, Shi-Qiang Zou, Clinton F. Williams, Alex T. Chow, Huan Chen ‡ (2024), Using syringe filtration after lab-scale adsorption processes potentially overestimates PFAS adsorption removal efficiency from non-conventional irrigation water. Journal of Environmental Quality 1-11
[61/32] Chun Cao, Yu-Yao Wu, Zhen-Ying Lv, Ji-Wei Wang, Chen-Wen Wang, Hui Zhang, Jun-Jian Wang, Huan Chen ‡ (2024), Uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from PAH–contaminated soils to carrots and Chinese cabbages under the greenhouse and field conditions. Chemosphere 360: 142405
[60] Pei-Jia Ku, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui ‡, Habibullah Uzun, Huan Chen, Randy A. Dahlgren, Tham C. Hoang, Tanju Karanfil, Huan Zhong, Ai-Jun Miao, Ke Pan, James S. Coleman, Alex T. Chow (2024), Dominance of particulate mercury in stream transport and rapid watershed recovery from wildfires in northern California, USA. Environmental Science & Technology 58(50): 22159-22169
[59] Ming-Zhen Li, Jing-Run Hu, Xiao-Qiang Cao, Huan Chen, Yi-Tao Lyu, Wei-Ling Sun ‡ (2024), Nontarget analysis combined with TOP assay reveals a significant portion of unknown PFAS precursors in firefighting foams currently used in China. Environmental Science & Technology 58(38): 17104–17113
[58] Hwang-Ju Jeon, Donghyeon Kim, Fabiano B. Scheufele, Kyoung S. Ro, Judy A. Libra, Nader Marzban, Huan Chen, Caroline Ribeiro, Changyoon Jeong ‡ (2024), Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in pyrochar and hydrochar during thermal and hydrothermal processes. Agronomy 14(9): 2040
[57] Livia V. C. Charamba ‡, Tobias Houska, Klaus Kaiser, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stephan Krüger, Tobias Krause, Huan Chen, Pavel Krám, Jakub Hruška, Karsten Kalbitz (2024), Tracing sources of dissolved organic matter along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum in the Ore Mountains, Germany. Science of the Total Environment 943: 173807
[56] Xiu-Qi You, Xi-Min Chen, Yi Jiang, Huan Chen, Juan Liu, Zhen Wu, Wei-Ling Sun ‡, Jin-Ren Ni (2024), 6PPD-quinone affects the photosynthetic carbon fixation in cyanobacteria by extracting photosynthetic electrons. The Innovation 5(4): 100630
[55] Si-Ran Feng, Fen Liu, Shun-Ni Zhu ‡, Zhong-Bin Xu, Lei Qin, Ping-Zhong Feng, Zhong-Ming Wang, Huan Chen, Wen-Shan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo ‡ (2024), Role of hydraulic retention time in integration of microalgae and activated sludge process for nutrient recycle from dairy liquid digestate. Chemical Engineering Journal 484: 149538
[54] Wei Hu, Xi-Zhi Niu, Huan Chen, Bei Ye, Jun-Kun Liang, Yun-Tao Guan, Qian-Yuan Wu ‡ (2024), Molecular insight of dissolved organic matter and chlorinated disinfection by-products in reclaimed water during chlorination with permanganate peroxidation. Chemosphere 349: 140807
[53] Yu-Lu Tian 1, Xiao-Ying Huang 1, Hang-Zhou Li, Qiu-Meng Chen, Xin-Ying Gong, Huan Chen, Mei-Kun Fan, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡ (2024), Highly sensitive and selective off-on fluorescent platform for tricresyl phosphate flame retardant based on twisted intramolecular charge transfer probe. Analytica Chimica Acta 1285: 342009
[52/31] Huan Chen, Habibullah Uzun, Nikola Tolić, Rosalie K. Chu, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2023), Molecular insights into wildfire-induced dissolved organic matter during the processes of alum coagulation and disinfection using ESI(-) and ESI(+) FT-ICR MS. ACS ES&T Water 3 (8): 2571–2580
[51/30] Huan Chen, Alexander Martin Rücker, Yi-Na Liu, David Miller, Jia-Ning Dai, Jun-Jian Wang, Dennis O. Suhre, Li-Jung Kuo, William H. Conner, Barbara J. Campbell, Robert C. Rhew, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2023), Unique biogeochemical characteristics of a ghost forest – the transition from freshwater forest wetland to salt marsh under the influences of sea level rise. Soil & Environmental Health 1: 100005 [highlighted in Zinke, L. (2023). "Ghost forests stand apart." Nature Reviews Earth & Environment]
[50/29] Wen-Jun Wang 1, Huan Chen 1, Wei Zhu, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡, Hui Yin, Chao Gao, An-Ni Zhu, Dong-Mei Wang (2023), A two-staged adsorption/thermal desorption GC/MS on-line system for monitoring volatile organic compounds. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 195: 869
[49/28] Jing-Run Hu, Yi-tao Lyu, Huan Chen ‡, Lei-Lei Cai, Jie Li, Xiao-Qiang Cao, Wei-Ling Sun ‡ (2023), Integration of target, suspect, and nontarget screening with risk modeling for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances prioritization in surface waters. Water Research 233: 119735
[48/27] Jing-Run Hu, Yi-Tao Lyu, Huan Chen ‡, Si Li, Wei-Ling Sun ‡ (2023), Suspect and nontarget screening reveal the underestimated risks of antibiotic transformation products in wastewater treatment plant effluents. Environmental Science & Technology 57(45): 17439–17451
[47] Hong-Jun Zhao, Yi-Tao Lyu, Jing-Run Hu, Min Li, Huan Chen, Yi Jiang, Mo-Ran Tang, Yang Wu, Wei-Ling Sun ‡ (2023), Reveal the major factors controlling quinolone adsorption on mesoporous carbon: Batch experiment, DFT calculation, MD simulation, and machine learning modeling. Chemical Engineering Journal 463: 142486
[46] Yuan-Yi Zhao, Hong-Chao Min, Kong-Yan, Luo, Huan Chen, Qian Chen ‡, Wei-Ling Sun (2023), Insight into sulfamethoxazole effects on aerobic denitrification by strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCN-2: From simultaneous degradation performance to transcriptome analysis. Chemosphere 313(2): 137471
[45] Xin-Ying Gong 1, Ya-Yun Ji 1, Fan-Qiang Meng, Yu-Lu Tian, Dong-Mei Wang, Huan Chen, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡ (2023), Dual-emitting N-doped carbon dots/AuNCs nanohybrids as an efficient ratiometric fluorescent probe and a paper sensor for Pb2+ sensing. Microchemical Journal 195: 109535
[44] Hang-Zhou Lia 1, Qiu-Meng Chen 1, Yuan-Yuan Wang, Zhi-Xiao Zhang, Huan Chen, Zhao-Li Wang, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡ (2023), A dual-mode pH sensor film based on the pyrene-based Zr-MOF self-destruction with fluorescence turn-on effect. Microchemical Journal 187(39): 108450
[43] Xiao-Ying Huang, Li-Ping Shen, Huan-Huan Zhu, Huan Chen, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡ (2023), Highly efficient sensor for triphenyl phosphate based on UV-induced chemiluminescence. Microchemical Journal 186: 108327+
[42] Huang-Huan Zhu 1, Xiao-Ying Huang 1, Yi Deng, Huan Chen, Mei-Kun Fan, Zheng-Jun Gong ‡ (2023), Applications of nanomaterial-based chemiluminescence sensors in environmental analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 158(1): 116879
[41] Raza Ullah, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, Alex T. Chow, Huan Chen, Clinton Williams, Ayalew Ligaba-Osena ‡ (2023), Micro(nano)plastic pollution in terrestrial ecosystem: Emphasis on impacts of polystyrene on soil biota, plants, animals, and humans. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 195(1): 252
[40/26] Huan Chen, Jun-Jian Wang, Pei-Jia Ku, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, Rebecca B. Abney, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Qiang Zhang, Sarah D. Burton, Randy A. Dahlgren, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2022), Burn intensity drives the alteration of phenolic lignin to (poly) aromatic hydrocarbons as revealed by pyrolysis-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Environmental Science & Technology 56: 12678-12687
[39/25] Huan Chen 1, Mahmut Selim Ersan 1, Nikola Tolić, Rosalie K. Chu, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2022), Chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter as disinfection byproduct precursors by UV/fluorescence and ESI FT-ICR MS after smoldering combustion of leaf needles and woody trunks of pine (Pinus jeffreyi). Water Research 209: 117962
[38/24] Xu-Ming Xu 1, Huan Chen 1, Jin-Yun Hu, Tong Zheng, Rui-Jie Zhang, Hao-Hui Zhong, Qiang Gao, Wei-Ling Sun, Qian Chen ‡, Jin-Ren Ni (2022), Unveil the role of dissolved and sedimentary metal(loid)s on bacterial communities and metal resistance genes (MRGs) in an urban river of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Water Research 209: 117962
[37/23] Jin-Yun Hu, Qian Chen ‡, Si-Ning Zhong, Ya-Ping Liu, Qiang Gao, Emily B. Graham, Huan Chen ‡ (2022), Wei-Ling Sun, Insight into co-hosts of nitrate reduction genes and antibiotic resistance genes in an urban river of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Water Research 225: 119189
[36/22] Wei-Yue Xu, J. Alex Thomasson, Qiong Su, Chang-Ying Ji, Ye-Yin Shi, Jun Zhou, Huan Chen ‡ (2022), A segmentation algorithm incorporating superpixel block and holistically nested edge for sugarcane aphids images under natural light conditions. Biosystem Engineering 216: 241-255
[35/21] Chun Cao, Ying Yang, Mei-Po Kwan, Zhen-Bang Ma, Raghupathy Karthikeyan, Jun-Jian Wang ‡, Huan Chen ‡ (2022), Crop selection reduces potential heavy metal(loid)s health risk in wastewater contaminated agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment 819: 152502
[34/20] Xiao-Hong Ma, Huan Chen ‡, Rui-Huan Chen, Xiao-Jun Hu ‡ (2022), Direct and activated chlorine dioxide oxidation for micropollutant abatement: A review on kinetics, reactive sites, and degradation pathway. Water 14(13): 2028
[33] Han-Han Li, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui ‡, Pei-Jia Ku, Huan, Chen, Zi-Yu Yin, Randy A. Dahlgren, Sanjai J. Parikh, Jianjun Wei, Tham C. Hoang, Alex T. Chow, Zhang Cheng ‡, Xue-Mei Zhu ‡ (2022), Impacts of forest fire ash on aquatic mercury cycling. Environmental Science & Technology 56 (16): 11835–11844
[32] Gang-Hui Tong, Xue-Ling Yang, Yun Li, Xu-Biao Yu ‡, Ying Huang, Jun-Jian Wang, Huan Chen, Rong-Yue Zheng, Meng Jin (2022), Impacts of haze on the photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in surface water in southeastern China. Environmental Research 212B: 113305
[31/19] Huan Chen, Kuo-Pei Tsai, Yina Liu, Nikola Tolić, Sarah D. Burton, Rosalie Chu, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2021), Characterization of dissolved organic matter from wildfire-induced Microcystis aeruginosa blooms controlled by copper sulfate as disinfection byproduct precursors using APPI(-) and ESI(-) FT-ICR MS. Water Research 189: 116640
[30/18] Yunlong Yang ‡, Peng Xu, Si-Jia Dong, Yang Yu, Huan Chen ‡, Ji-Bo Xiao (2021), Using watermelon rind and nitrite-containing wastewater for electricity production in a membraneless biocathode microbial fuel cell. Journal of Cleaner Production 307: 127306
[29/17] Chun Cao, Peng Zhang, Zhen-Ping Ma, Zhen-Bang Ma, Jun-Jian Wang, Yuan-Yuan Tang, Huan Chen ‡ (2021), Coupling sprinkler freshwater irrigation with vegetable species selection as a sustainable approach for agricultural production in farmlands with a history of 50-year wastewater irrigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 414: 125576
[28] Raza Ullah, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow, Clinton Williams, Ayalew Ligaba-Osena ‡ (2021), Microplastics interaction with terrestrial plants and its impacts on agriculture. Journal of Environmental Quality 50 (5), 1024-1041
[27/16] Huan Chen, Charles C. Rhoades, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2020), Characteristics of soil organic matter 14 years after a wildfire: A pyrolysis-gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 152: 104922
[26/15] Huan Chen 1, Habibullah Uzun 1, Alex T. Chow, Tanju Karanfil ‡ (2020), Low water treatability efficiency of wildfire-induced dissolved organic matter and disinfection by-product precursors. Water Research 184: 116111
[25/14] Huan Chen 1, Xi-Jun Liu 1, Gavin D. Blosser, Alexander Martin Rücker, William H. Conner, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2020), Molecular dynamics of foliar litter and dissolved organic matter during the decomposition process. Biogeochemistry 150: 17–30
[24/13] Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter ‡ (2020), Hazardous substances as the dominant non-methane volatile organic compounds with potential emissions from liquid storage tanks during well fracturing: A modeling approach. Journal of Environmental Management 268: 110715
[23/12] Huan Chen ‡, Alexander Martin Rücker, Qiong Su, Gavin D. Blosser, Xi-Jun Liu, William H. Conner, Alex T. Chow (2020), Dynamics of dissolved organic matter and disinfection byproduct precursors along a low elevation gradient in woody wetlands - An implication of hydrologic impacts of climate change on source water quality. Water Research 181:115908
[22] Ying-Hui Wang, Ya-Meng Shi, Guo-Dong Sun, Jin-Tao Li, Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow, Zhi-Bing Yang, B. Graeme Lockaby, Hamed Majidzadeh ‡, Jun-Jian Wang ‡ (2020), Soil organic matter signature under impervious surfaces. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (10): 1785–1792
[21] Guo-Cheng Huang, Tsz-Wai Ng, Huan Chen, Alex, T. Chow ‡, Sheng-Wei Liu ‡, Po-Keung Wong ‡ (2020), Formation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) during drinking water disinfection: A microbiological prospect of disinfection byproducts. Environment International 135: 105389
[20] Hamed Majidzadeh 1, ‡, Habibullah Uzun 1, Huan Chen, Shao-Wu Bao, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow (2020), Hurricane resulted in releasing more nitrogenous than carbonaceous disinfection byproduct precursors in coastal watersheds. Science of the Total Environment 705: 135785
[19/11] Huan Chen, Kuo-Pei Tsai, Qiong Su, Alex T. Chow, Jun-Jian Wang ‡ (2019), Throughfall dissolved organic matter as a terrestrial disinfection byproduct precursor. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3 (8): 1603-1613 (selected as Journal Cover Page)
[18/10] Hamed Majidzadeh 1, Huan Chen 1, T. Adam Coates 1, Kuo-Pei Tsai, Christopher I. Olivares, Carl Trettin, Habibullah Uzun, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2019), Long-term watershed management is an effective strategy to reduce organic matter export and disinfection by-products (DBPs) precursors in source water. International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(10): 804-813
[17] Qiong Su, Han-Cheng Dai ‡, Huan Chen, Yun Lin, Yang Xie, Raghupathy Karthikeyan (2019), General equilibrium analysis of the cobenefits and trade-Offs of carbon mitigation on local industrial water use and pollutants discharge in China. Environmental Science & Technology 53 (3): 1715–1724
[16] Kuo-Pei Tsai, Habibullah Uzun, Huan Chen, Tanju Karanfil, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2019), Control wildfire-induced Microcystis aeruginosa blooms by copper sulfate: Trade-offs between reducing algal organic matter and promoting disinfection byproduct formation. Water Research 158 (1): 227-236
[15] Yun-Long Yang ‡, Er-Shu Lin, Shu-Qian Sun, Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow ‡ (2019), Direct electricity production from subaqueous wetland sediments and banana peels using membrane-less microbial fuel cells. Industrial Crops & Products 128: 70-79
[14] Wei-Yue Xu, Huan Chen, Qiong Su, Chang-Ying Ji ‡, Wei-Di Xu, Muhammad-Sohail Memon, Jun Zhou (2019), Shadow detection and removal in apple image segmentation under natural light conditions using an ultrametric contour map. Biosystem Engineering 184: 142-154
[13/9] Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow, Xiu-Wen Li, Hong-Gang Ni, Randy A. Dahlgren, Hui Zeng ‡, Jun-Jian Wang ‡ (2018), Wildfire burn intensity affects the quantity and speciation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (12): 1262–1270 (selected as Journal Cover Page)
[12/8] Huan Chen ‡, Gavin D. Blosser, Hamed Majidzadeh, Xi-Jun Liu, William H. Conner, Alex T. Chow (2018), Integration of an automated identification-quantification pipeline and statistical techniques for pyrolysis GC/MS tracking of the molecular fingerprints of natural organic matter. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 134: 371-380 (
[11/7] Chun Cao, Qiang Zhang, Zhen-Bang Ma, Xue-Mei Wang, Huan Chen ‡, Jun-Jian Wang ‡ (2018), Fractionation and mobility risks of heavy metals and metalloids in wastewater-irrigated agricultural soils from greenhouses and fields in Gansu, China. Geoderma 328: 1-9
[10/6] Chun Cao, Si-Qi Liu, Zhen-Bang Ma, Yun Lin, Qiong Su, Huan Chen ‡, Jun-Jian Wang ‡ (2018), Dynamics of multiple elements in fast decomposing vegetable residues. Science of the Total Environment 616-617: 614-621
[9] Pei-Jia Ku, Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui ‡, Xiang-Ping Nie ‡, Huan Chen, Tham C. Hoang, Joel D. Blum, Randy A. Dahlgren, Alex T. Chow (2018), Origin, reactivity, and bioavailability of mercury in wildfire ash. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (24): 14149-14157 (***highlighted in ACS press release as "Wildfire ash could trap mercury")
[8] Qiong Su, Han-Cheng Dai ‡, Yun Lin, Huan Chen, Raghupathy Karthikeyan (2018), Modeling the carbon-energy-water nexus in a rapidly urbanizing catchment: A general equilibrium assessment. Journal of Environmental Management 225: 93-103 [cited by the IPCC AR6 report (Working Group III, 2022) to illustrate the cost and benefit of carbon mitigation]
[7] Yun-Long Yang ‡, Huan Chen, Hamed Majidzadeh, Alex T. Chow (2018), Electricity generation from different wetlands: mechanisms based on dissolved organic matters in membrane-less microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal 351: 1006-1012
[6] Zhen-Bang Ma ‡, Xing-Peng Chen, Huan Chen (2018), Multi-scale spatial patterns and influencing factors of rural poverty: a case study in the LiuPan Mountain Region, China. Chinese Geographical Science 28:2, 296–312
[5/5] Huan Chen 1, ‡, Yun Lin 1, ‡, Qiong Su, Li-Qiu Cheng (2017), Spatial variation of multiple air pollutants and their potential contributions to all-cause, respiratory, and cardiovascular mortality across China in 2015-2016. Atmospheric Environment 168: 23-35
[4/4] Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter ‡ (2017), Characterization of the chemicals used hydraulic fracturing fluids for wells located in the Marcellus shale play. Journal of Environmental Management 200: 312-324
[3/3] Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter ‡ (2017), Modeling potential occupational inhalation exposures and associated risks of toxic organics from chemical storage tanks used in hydraulic fracturing using AERMOD. Environmental Pollution 224: 300-309
[2/2] Huan Chen and Kimberly E. Carter ‡ (2016), Water usage for natural gas production through hydraulic fracturing in the United States from 2008 to 2014. Journal of Environmental Management 170: 152-159
[1/1] Huan Chen, Shun-Gui Zhou, Tian-Hong Li ‡ (2010), Impact of extracellular polymeric substances on the settlement ability of aerobic granular sludge. Environmental Technology 31: 14, 1601-1612